To Bee or not to Bee. Benefits of Bee Venom

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, September 14, 2009

Messing around with bees is something you should probably avoid. But even if you are completely innocent you can still get a bee sting and the first thing you want to do is to pull the bee stinger out. If you’re not allergic to bee stings and you are still alive, cry it out a little and use an ice pack to cool things down.

It’s funny that bee venom actually has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, warming, restorative effects when used in a special Basket Plant Balsam.

Basket Plant is a powerful bio-stimulator with wide range of properties. Thanks to its unique composition basket Plant is useful for many disorders and illnesses. Basket Plant is especially effective for joint and spine problems: rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and others.

Basket Plant Balsam prevents accumulation of salts, makes spine disks more elastic and flexible. Basket Plant Balsam with Bee Venom is highly recommended as a supportive aid for complex therapy for radiculitis, myositis, sciatica, gout.

So next time you get stung by a bee, keep the venom, or just visit us at and get yourself a Basket Plant balm


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