Healthy Life Tips For Natural Remedies

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, December 28, 2009 0 comments

Nowadays, more and more people are getting involved in eating healthy and living longer! This is also becoming easier with the introduction to a lot of products, resources and tips on how to go about living and eating healthy. No more are the Cheeseburgers and Chicken fingers, now people are really starting to get into things like macrobiotic diets, vegetarianism, Alkaline foods and exercising. By the way, I fully believe that you can't have one without the other. You can't BE healthy by only eating well and you can't LIVE healthy by only exercising.

You need to have both! There are a variety of natural remedies to keep your body in check - all of which are going to be great to use for specific problems. For example, if you are having a problem with upset stomachs and indigestion, you could consider Aloe Vera juice. If you are having problems you’re your live, try Essentiale Forte N, a pharmaceutical supplement that repairs damaged liver cells to help your body filter toxins and make you feel better. Or if you are having a problem with headaches, you could consider something like ginger root tea which is a simple recipe with some cut ginger into boiling water which you would let steep for a few minutes.

On the other hand, you might be having something a little more painful that you wish you could get rid of or alleviate more naturally like aches, pains or arthritis. A good natural remedy for this is Omega 3 fish oil. Essentially the oils are going to "lubricate" your tendons, bones and muscles that have become painfully inflamed and stiff. People all around the world use these healthier ways of living and eating and absolutely swear by the results.

Essentiale Forte N – Essentially the Best Thing You Can Do for Your Liver

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, December 21, 2009 0 comments

Europe’s secret to improving liver function has finally arrived on this side of the Atlantic. I’m talking about Essentiale Forte N, a pharmaceutical supplement that repairs damaged liver cells to help your body filter toxins and make you feel better.

Recommended by doctors and everyday people alike, Essentiale N is proven to work on almost every liver disease or condition, including necrosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, psoriasis, and more. Essentiale N contains phospholipids, a fundamental part of cell membranes which, when added to the liver, can seriously improve its function.

Plus, Essentiale Forte N is completely natural, so I know it won’t cause any side effects – one of the many reasons I prefer natural remedies to prescription products. The supplement is also enhanced with an array of healthy vitamins, such as Vitamin B, to further boost your system.

I know Essentiale N is also available as an injection, but I can get kind of squeamish, so I’m happy to order mine in pill form, like what’s available on Try out of box of capsules today – you’ll start feeling healthier in days!

What Can Omega 3 Fish Oil Be Used For?

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, December 14, 2009 0 comments

First and foremost I don't think that most people understand what the difference is between fish oil from a fish, and fish oil from fish... oil. Regular fish oil taken from a fish contains a lot of mercury, which we know is bad for us. However, specialized Omega 3 fish oil is actually oil that is obtained from the fish's diet rather than the actual fish. The Omega 3 fish oil allows for a numerous amount of natural remedies including symptoms and health problems such as Psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia and Huntington's disease along with bipolarism and depression, autism, cardiovascular diseases, Rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, even various kinds of cancer. Breast, colon and prostate cancer has been researched to conceive lower rates of tumor growth while using Omega 3 fatty acids and oils!

Also, since this is a natural remedy you can be sure that it's not going to include a lot of the crap that other medicinal medicines that are prescribed by your doctor. We always had a rule in our house; if you can't say the ingredients, you shouldn't take the product! A lot of the ingredients in prescribed medications can either have really bad side effects, or they can end up making you have an even worse problem than you are already having.

For instance, Lipitor which is one of the highly prescribed medications for arthritis can actually cause heart murmurs and even heart attacks. It’s like covering a gun shot wound up with a band-aid. It might help your cholesterol, but it could also lead to even a worse condition!

Natural Remedies For Lowering Your Cholesterol And Much More!

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, December 7, 2009 0 comments

Nowadays just about everyone knows about and uses of natural remedies in order to aid in any medical problems they may be having. The great thing about these products is that they are completely natural and come from ingredients that do not include chemical substances or compounds; like a regular medicine would. With the way people are so health conscientious nowadays, a lot of people are avoiding medicines and taking in more of these natural remedies. For example, your doctor might recommend Lipitor for your high cholesterol.

What worries most people about this drug is that it comes with MANY side effects that could possibly occur. You know those commercials; side effects could include, diarrhea, vomiting, upset stomach, bleeding, even… death! I'm sorry, but that's just a little too scary for me. I would rather go with something like Omega 3 fish oil which is going to contain lipids and ingredients that are NOT going to make me… DIE! Okay so dying usually is really far down the list, but the fact that they even mention it for Lipitor and these other drugs is still quite worrisome.

Omega 3 fish oil is not expensive, it’s OTC (over the counter) so you don't need a doctors prescription, and it can be taken quite safely and help aid in your problems with high cholesterol, arthritis, aches, pains, cardiovascular risks, even mental health such as bipolarism and depression!

The least you could do is visit and TRY our Omega 3 fish oil and see if it works for you. I'm not saying natural remedies are going to cure everyone 100% in ANY situation, but it is something for you to at least think about.

Natural Remedies; Is Omega 3 Fish Oil Really A Natural Lubricant?

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, November 23, 2009 0 comments

If you take a look on Google or any other source for content online - you will quickly find out that Omega 3 fish oil as a natural remedy has become one of the most popular products to take and or buy. In fact, even doctors are recommending this product like they would recommend any other vitamin or supplement for your health! Its pretty amazing considering some people still think that natural remedies don't work! Personally, I think these are either people that like taking pills or they simply don't want to try anything new! If they would try something new, they would come to find out that Omega 3 fish oil has a lot of benefits such as controlling high blood pressure, reducing heart attacks and stroke and more importantly getting rid of joint pain and arthritis.

It really is nature’s natural lubricant. When it comes to this specific remedy, there are a few different choices in front of you as far as different Omegas, brands and types of fish. One thing I can recommend to you off the bat is not to use Cod Liver oil as an alternative for Omega 3 fish oil. Most of us know that the mercury in fish can cause bad effects - this is what happens when you DO take cod liver oil for over the recommended time. With mercury poisoning you can get really sick.

However, since the Omega 3 fish oil is not or should not be used from Cod and is instead used from other parts of the fish and other fish for that matter, this is a much safer alternative. One of the best recommended types of fish oil for Omega 3 fish oil natural remedies is one that contains EPA and DHA - eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid which are precursors to inflammation in the body. By the way this is also said to be good for things like mental health as well such as Bipolarism and Depression. Over all this is a multi use natural remedy that you can use for just about anything!

Wish You Could Find A Natural Remedy & Health Shop?

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, November 16, 2009 0 comments

Just recently over the last 9 weeks I have been having some really disturbing and bothersome symptoms. The nausea usually starts as soon as I wake up in the morning, all through out the day. And usually ends with me vomiting. It's not fun at all. 2 weeks ago I went to see a Digestive health Doctor, he checked me over and said I needed to get an endoscopy done ASAP. In fact, it was more or less a demand and a 911 emergency. They couldn't fit me in until a week later though. So I got my endoscopy and it turns out I have Esophagitis! Sounds scary right? Well it’s not cancer, that's all I care about. My doc gave me a few pills to take, but I'll be honest, like a lot of others I don't like taking pills willy nilly.

I would rather find natural remedies to cure the problem. Some people assume that this is like the witches brew or something. It's not! In fact, natural remedies have been used for thousands of years. This goes back to the cavemen - yes even they were smart enough! There are reports, tests and research online if you want to take a look at something like this, why it works, how it works, and various products you can try like Omega 3 fish oil for joint pain, Echinacea for stress or Aloe Vera juice for nausea, vomiting and inflammation of the esophagus! I don't know about you, but I would rather take a natural remedy and know what's in it, than take something that could give me worse symptoms, side effects and god knows what else!

Take a chance, try these natural remedies and see how quickly they get rid of your ailments and how much better you end up feeling! I can bet that it's going to be a much different experience than you are used to! I'll be truthful, I'm still not up to par, but I know that what I am taking will help me, and it will make me healthier in the end. You aren't looking to put a band aid over a gun shot wound. You are looking to permanently get rid of the problem - and that is what natural remedies bring to the table!

Research studies have shown that natural Remedies like Omega 3 fish oil really can and will benefit your body from things like high blood pressure, coronary heart attacks, stroke, high cholesterol and arthritis and joint pain! This is another one of those wonderful little natural remedies that can cure and or aid in all kinds of problems you may be having, and it's not the only one!

The great thing about this natural remedy is that they won't contain the things that most other prescribed and OTC "medicines" contain; things that could ultimately be hurting you rather than healing you! The medicinal industry is worth billions of dollars. Most of the reason behind this is that doctors hand off medications like its candy. Got a headache? Here's some pills. Got a problem with your sex life? No problem, here are some more pills. Have high blood pressure? That's not a problem either, here are some more pills.

By the end of a year's time you have so many pills that were handed to you that you can't keep track. You don't know what's in them, or how it is they are working or… not working for that matter. It's not good! Shouldn't we know what we are feeding ourselves?!? Well with natural remedies and products like Omega 3 fish oil it's no secret. We know what's in them, how they work and more importantly WHY they work! Using these natural remedies is better for you, has less side effects, and it could end up naturally healing you instead of pumping you up with God knows what!

Health Conscience? Have You Considered Natural Remedies?

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Friday, November 6, 2009 1 comments

Most people nowadays are very health conscience. Half of us won't take medicines that are prescribed to us and the other half read every ingredient on a label before they even swallow! That's okay. Frankly, there are millions of research studies and tests that prove that these ingredients in these prescription products could be hurting us rather than helping us! So it's actually a good idea for you to start checking out healthier alternatives such as natural remedies. What's so natural about these remedies is what is in them.

For example, some of the things that Omega 3 fish oil is a protein believed to be linked to protect against Alzheimer's disease, according to the results of a new animal study released in the March 2005 release of The Journal of Neuroscience. This study specifically looked into one particular kind of omega 3 fatty acids - Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and the outcomes are validated. Another major disease or ailment that this specific natural remedy can benefit is lowering blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart attacks or strokes and it also helps with the smaller things as well such as joint pain, arthritis and swelling.

This is actually understandable once you start taking fish oil considering it really is fish OIL which is going to lubricate your inner mechanisms! You can find natural remedies like Omega 3 fish oil at and even read some articles, reports and tons of research if you would like to check it our further!

Got Nasal Congestion? Go to the Beach! Or you could also use Salt Water...

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Wednesday, October 28, 2009 1 comments

If you suffer from allergies and stuffy nose like I do, you probably never leave the house without a bottle of nasal spray in your bag. But you know, when nasal congestion and sinus problems become a chronic condition, it’s just not healthy to keep spraying drugs in your nose all day long. Besides, using medication so often means one thing and one thing only: Addiction.

I remembered that when I was little my grandmother used to drip salt water into my nose when I was congested. Hey! That worked wonders! Yup, you can actually create your own nasal spray at home, using some table salt and mineral water. Now apply a drop or two into your nose, or fill up a bottle and use the saline on the go. One glass of bottled water over one teaspoon of salt should do the trick.

I also decided to try one of those natural nasal sprays, you know, a Saline Nasal Spray. Salt is a key component of the human body, just think of crying and sweating, and a Sodium Chloride Nasal Spray clears up the nose just like any other medication.

For more information visit where you'll find many natural remedies and organic cosmetics that you never knew before.

Let's pump up the cute factor of this blog with some Angora Wool

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Wednesday, October 21, 2009 0 comments

Today we’re going to blog about cutesy, cuddly rabbits. Yup. Today we’re going to blog about the Angora rabbit.

Joey the Giant Angora Buck

Oooooh…. He is adorable!

Jessie the English Angora Rabbit

Look at that! Just look at the long, soft, fluffy hair. Don’t you just wanna hold it in your arms and squish squoosh it forever and ever???

Okay… it’s starting to get a little creepy. I’m a grown man. But seriously, the Angora rabbit is one of the oldest types of domesticated rabbits thanks to their amazing silky, soft wool.

I know, I know, you can’t have a rabbit pooping around the house only because it is cute. But it doesn’t mean you should not enjoy the therapeutic benefits of the amazing wool.

So welcoming winter, we decided to bring in a large collection of Angora wool products. Let’s start with this amazing Angora Wool Elbow Warmer.

The warmers are used as supportive elbow ache therapy, joint aches, arthritis, recovery therapy and other joint conditions. This is also a great product for preventive measures to wear before doing sports and prevent strains and dislocations. And it also elevates to cute factor by 100%.

Okay... and one more before we go...


The medicinal wonders inside Lily of the Valley Drops

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Wednesday, October 14, 2009 0 comments

Lily of the Valley is one of the most gorgeous plants I know. The lovely bell shaped flower and the deliciously sweet scented tepals are very hard to ignore. It’s funny that the Lily of the Valley, despite its immense beauty, is also extremely poisonous.

But herbal specialists found that although dangerous, the plant's fresh leaves, flowers and roots hide many wonderful therapeutic benefits.

Lily of the Valley drops can affect the heart rate, help relax the central nervous system, promote calm feeling, decrease levels of anxiety and stress, and enhance sleep.

Unlike some prescription sleep aids, Lily of the Valley drops are not known to cause morning grogginess and are non-addictive. This tincture is used as an anti-convulsive, sedative, migraine reduction and pain reliever. The drops are used as a mild sedative and to aid the induction of sleep. Having also some slight influence upon the circulation, slowing the heart and increasing its force, Lily of the Valley drops are used in the reduction of cardiac palpitations.

Lily of the Valley was also recommended as a memory enhancer and works wonders strengthening the brain and Lily of the Valley drops are exclusively available at with many others natural and organic remedies and herbal supplements.

Stay fit during winter with natural slimming blend

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Wednesday, October 7, 2009 0 comments

I know that it’s getting cold out there so we cover ourselves with more and more layers, and there’s nothing better than cuddling under the blanket, drinking sweet hot chocolate and enjoying comforting food. But winter doesn’t mean that we should forget about our figure and about our health because there’s nothing worse than discovering those extra pounds when it’s finally time to go to the beach.

Even though it’s dark and cold outside, remember to keep up with the regular exercise routine. The secret is staying active and eating healthy although you think it is the time to enter a long winter hibernation process.

Between meals you can also benefit from a natural slimming blend. The kind of mix that provides you with deep purification and purgation, removes toxins, cleans bowels, improves metabolism, improves weight loss and reduces cholesterol.

ATEnutritionals offers a slimming blend that contains all nature’s good stuff like Peppermint leaves, Everlasting flowers, Calendula flowers, Chamomile flowers, Yarrow, St. Johns wort, Corn silks, Flax seeds and Rose hips fruits that are guaranteed to help you stay fit during winter.

Astrum - Natural Joint and Muscle Pain Relief

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Tuesday, September 29, 2009 4 comments

I’ve been suffering from joint pains for a long time and I was looking for a natural alternative to the counter pain relief creams. I needed something more than just a cream to sooth away my pain, and my friend recommended Astrum cream.

Astrum combines natural ingredients which really revolutionize the way in which arthritis is managed. It's a great product because it provides me with temporary relief of minor aches and pains of my joints and muscles and at the same time it actually lubricates joints, rebuilding damaged cartilage.
The unique formula contains four active natural elements that have been clinically proven to alleviate arthritic pain, pain due to trauma or any sport's related injuries. Astrum Cream addresses all my concerns, rebuilding joints and soothing cartilage while healing the tendons.

What’s the secret? Camphor is the magic word. I did some research and found out that camphor is a penetrating oil, extracted from the tropical tree, Cinnamomum Camphora. It is readily absorbed through the skin, and, along with Menthol, provides a cooling sensation to the area where it is applied. In Chinese Medicine, camphor has been used for many years to serve as a local anesthetic and antimicrobial substance. More recently, menthol has proved effective as a topical analgesic and is often used to alleviate muscle cramps, sprains and headaches.

For more information visit where you'll find many natural remedies and organic cosmetics that you never knew before.

Muddy Business and the Dead Sea Mud

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, September 21, 2009 0 comments

I just came back from a month long vacation in Israel. Of course it was amazing, there’s no place like Israel anywhere in the world and I really had a great time. One of the things I'll never forget is my trip to the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is a magnificent sight, one of most unique places you can find and actually the lowest place on earth.

The Dead Sea feels like Mother Nature’s spa. Really. You just dip in the salty mineral water and you feel like a new person. And that Dead Sea mud! The same mud that’ll cost you hundreds of dollars in any spa, is there, for free!

I just had to take some mud back. Not in my suitcase… but in a bag. The mud contains many minerals that are great in cleansing the skin, removing dead skin cells, reducing muscle tension, rheumatic pain, and my skin just feels refreshed and healthy.
For more information visit where you'll find many natural remedies and organic cosmetics that you never knew before.

To Bee or not to Bee. Benefits of Bee Venom

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, September 14, 2009 0 comments

Messing around with bees is something you should probably avoid. But even if you are completely innocent you can still get a bee sting and the first thing you want to do is to pull the bee stinger out. If you’re not allergic to bee stings and you are still alive, cry it out a little and use an ice pack to cool things down.

It’s funny that bee venom actually has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, warming, restorative effects when used in a special Basket Plant Balsam.

Basket Plant is a powerful bio-stimulator with wide range of properties. Thanks to its unique composition basket Plant is useful for many disorders and illnesses. Basket Plant is especially effective for joint and spine problems: rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and others.

Basket Plant Balsam prevents accumulation of salts, makes spine disks more elastic and flexible. Basket Plant Balsam with Bee Venom is highly recommended as a supportive aid for complex therapy for radiculitis, myositis, sciatica, gout.

So next time you get stung by a bee, keep the venom, or just visit us at and get yourself a Basket Plant balm

Leave Alcohol for beer and wine and use a Natural Mouthwash instead

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, September 7, 2009 0 comments

You should really stick with using alcohol at parties and bars and not when you wash your mouth before you go to sleep.

Alcohol mouthwash creates chemical reactions in the mouth which can actually cause bad breath. The common alcohol based mouthwash usually burns and it is even linked to oral cancer.

Using a natural, alcohol free mouthwash is recommended by dentists and is more beneficial than most products available today.

The 32 Pearls Mouth Wash is a gentle formula and effective aid for oral cavity health. It provides complete care and long lasting protection for teeth and gums, and help freshen your breath. This unique mouth wash has bright anti-caries and anti-inflammatory effect.

If you suffer from gingivitis and mouth inflammations, try using the excellent Peony Chinese Natural Mouthwash. There is evidence that peonies were used extensively in both the Far East and Europe as long as two thousand years ago.
Chinese peony is one of the most popular herbs in Oriental medicine. The most important functions of Chinese Peony Extract are anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Chinese Peony extract is mainly used for caries, parodontosis, stomatitis, gingivitis; helps to reduce tooth aches and mouth inflammations. Peony roots are rich in calcium, phosphorus, silicon, lanthanum, fluorine, manganese. Researches have proved that Peony contains at least 5 microelements vital for teeth.

For more information visit where you'll find many natural remedies and organic cosmetics that you never knew before.

Welcome winter with a sip of pure Chamomile tea

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Tuesday, September 1, 2009 0 comments

September brings along the early chill. Winds are already blowing and leaves are falling brown on the ground. There’s no better time to start stocking up on herbal tea blends for the winter. It’s amazing to find out that 80% of Americans drink tea regularly, so watch out mother England!

My favorite tea is the all time classic Chamomile tea which is known to us since ancient times. Chamomile is one of the most widely used ingredients in herbal teas worldwide and a pure chamomile tea is a celebration to the senses and the body.

The tea is taken as an anti inflammatory tea, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, sedative, stomachic, tonic, stimulating metabolism and anything else you can imagine.

Chamomile in particular is an excellent tea for various digestive disorders, nervous tension and irritability and is also used externally for skin problems. And if this is not enough – you’d love to know that chamomile tea is a great source of vitamins and antioxidants.

So welcome winter with a sip of chamomile and don’t forget to visit where you'll find plenty of information about herbal teas and other natural remedies and organic cosmetics you never knew before.

Zorba the Greek and the medicinal wonders of Anise

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, August 24, 2009 0 comments

Do you know why they are acting like this? Probably because they had a couple of shots of Ouzo, also known as Arak, depends if you ask a Greek or a Middle Eastern. You see, both of these distilled alcoholic drinks have one thing in common – Anise.

But anise can do more than just make people drunk. In ancient Chinese as well as traditional Indian system of medicine, anise has assumed a very popular stature. Anise seeds are rich in volatile oil, flavonoids and other important nutrients. Anise acts as a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, expectorant and antiviral. Anise seeds stimulate lactation, and are considered to be a mild diuretic. Anise is also a mild antiparasitic and its leaves can be used to treat digestive problems, relieve toothache. Anise can be used to relieve menstrual cramps.

What can you do with anise? Science has proven that the essential oils in the anise seeds do have expectorant properties. A tea can relief cough and congestion. Externally, Anise tea can be wrapped in a warm cloth and used as a compress for eye pain. Try dropping a few seeds in a glass of warm milk before bed to prevent insomnia. Lastly, Anise seeds can be chewed in the morning for an all-day natural mouth freshener.

If you want to know more about the wonders of anise, visit where you'll find plenty of information and other natural remedies and cosmetics you never knew before

Flowers in a Bottle - The Natural Lavender Perfume

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, August 17, 2009 1 comments

Did you know that perfume making began in ancient Egypt, more than 4000 years ago? Did you know that perfumes where once crafted from herbs, spices and flowers?

But we are not in Egypt anymore and today, many perfumes contain synthesized odors and aromatics that are not obtained from natural sources. Wouldn’t it be nice to put on a natural scent for a change and smell real flowers and herbs?

I just love lavender? How can't I? LAVENDER is the Queen of herbs. Its got this gorgeous aroma with a slight timber shade and because of this wonderful scent, I hide dried lavender all around the house. With this lavender perfume I can enjoy the music of a mountain breeze with the scents of glorious lavender, tasty nutmeg, soft bergamot and amazing freshness of green tea.

My husband though... he'll never wear lavender smell. So I got him the SHIPR cologne while I was traveling abroad.

You see, the Shipr is a natural men’s perfume that is very popular in many countries. Shipr has always been fashionable and classic (like my husband). Its mild fresh scents always make him feel stylish and up to date with the manly flavors of magnetic bergamot, sensual patchouli and precious santal.

Now you don't have to travel around the world in order to find natural perfumes. Just visit and learn about natural remedies and cosmetics you never knew before.

Echinacea, not only for that winter cold

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, August 10, 2009 1 comments

I always start winter with a cup of Echnacea tea. It took sometime until I got used to the special taste of the blend, but the cold season always seem to be different with an Echnacea winter blend.

But Echnacea has much more uses than just in comforting tea. You see, echinacea is an incredible immunity booster. Native Americans used echinacea as their main medicinal source - for every illness, whether it was cold or cancer. Echinacea entered into formal medicine world around the late 1800s and it continues to be a popular herb in Europe and around the world.

In winter, echinacea is used mainly for preventing and treating cold. The herb gives the white blood cells and immune system cells that extra boost they need to fight off colds and flu viruses.

But echinacea is also considered by herbal experts to be a blood purifier and an aid in fighting infections. And due to the herb’s high bio-active effect, it is an excellent support for men's health. The use of Echinacea makes you more resistant to herpes, vesicular somatitis viruses and several researchers shown that the herb produces an anti-inflammatory effect and has therapeutic value in urology, gynecology, internal medicine, and dermatology.

If you want to know more about the wonders of echinacea, visit where you'll find plenty of information and other natural remedies and cosmetics you never knew before.

Did you know that Sea-Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) enjoys great popularity in Eastern Europe as a treatment for skin conditions and to combat premature aging? Or that products made from the root of the Burdock plant (Articum lappa) are used for millennia in China, Japan, and Europe. Burdock also purifies toxins from the blood and the body, treats infections, and is an excellent source of iron.

Natural remedies develop out of years and years of learning and knowledge and every continent, every country, every city, every village and every home has its own special remedies.

The experts at ATE Nutritionals travel around the world in search for those special remedies, yet to be discovered in the US and today, ATE Nutritionals Inc. distributes specialty natural products to over 400 businesses in the United States and Canada.

In contrast with the numerous products available from many firms, ATE Nutritionals distinguishes by specializing in distributing herbs, natural remedies, dietary supplements, and natural cosmetics that are popular throughout the world, but unknown in the United States, just like the Sea-Buckthorn

We also offer a large selection of natural cosmetics that are popular in Central and Eastern Europe and in fact, we currently stand as the sole importer and distributor of Dead Sea Minerals cosmetics from Israel.

Please visit our website at and learn about natural remedies and cosmetics you never knew before.