Wish You Could Find A Natural Remedy & Health Shop?

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, November 16, 2009

Just recently over the last 9 weeks I have been having some really disturbing and bothersome symptoms. The nausea usually starts as soon as I wake up in the morning, all through out the day. And usually ends with me vomiting. It's not fun at all. 2 weeks ago I went to see a Digestive health Doctor, he checked me over and said I needed to get an endoscopy done ASAP. In fact, it was more or less a demand and a 911 emergency. They couldn't fit me in until a week later though. So I got my endoscopy and it turns out I have Esophagitis! Sounds scary right? Well it’s not cancer, that's all I care about. My doc gave me a few pills to take, but I'll be honest, like a lot of others I don't like taking pills willy nilly.

I would rather find natural remedies to cure the problem. Some people assume that this is like the witches brew or something. It's not! In fact, natural remedies have been used for thousands of years. This goes back to the cavemen - yes even they were smart enough! There are reports, tests and research online if you want to take a look at something like this, why it works, how it works, and various products you can try like Omega 3 fish oil for joint pain, Echinacea for stress or Aloe Vera juice for nausea, vomiting and inflammation of the esophagus! I don't know about you, but I would rather take a natural remedy and know what's in it, than take something that could give me worse symptoms, side effects and god knows what else!

Take a chance, try these natural remedies and see how quickly they get rid of your ailments and how much better you end up feeling! I can bet that it's going to be a much different experience than you are used to! I'll be truthful, I'm still not up to par, but I know that what I am taking will help me, and it will make me healthier in the end. You aren't looking to put a band aid over a gun shot wound. You are looking to permanently get rid of the problem - and that is what natural remedies bring to the table!


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