Natural Remedies; Is Omega 3 Fish Oil Really A Natural Lubricant?

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, November 23, 2009

If you take a look on Google or any other source for content online - you will quickly find out that Omega 3 fish oil as a natural remedy has become one of the most popular products to take and or buy. In fact, even doctors are recommending this product like they would recommend any other vitamin or supplement for your health! Its pretty amazing considering some people still think that natural remedies don't work! Personally, I think these are either people that like taking pills or they simply don't want to try anything new! If they would try something new, they would come to find out that Omega 3 fish oil has a lot of benefits such as controlling high blood pressure, reducing heart attacks and stroke and more importantly getting rid of joint pain and arthritis.

It really is nature’s natural lubricant. When it comes to this specific remedy, there are a few different choices in front of you as far as different Omegas, brands and types of fish. One thing I can recommend to you off the bat is not to use Cod Liver oil as an alternative for Omega 3 fish oil. Most of us know that the mercury in fish can cause bad effects - this is what happens when you DO take cod liver oil for over the recommended time. With mercury poisoning you can get really sick.

However, since the Omega 3 fish oil is not or should not be used from Cod and is instead used from other parts of the fish and other fish for that matter, this is a much safer alternative. One of the best recommended types of fish oil for Omega 3 fish oil natural remedies is one that contains EPA and DHA - eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid which are precursors to inflammation in the body. By the way this is also said to be good for things like mental health as well such as Bipolarism and Depression. Over all this is a multi use natural remedy that you can use for just about anything!


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